With packaging of glasmeister you make the future a bit brighter

With packaging of glasmeister you make the future a bit brighter

Climate change, you probably know more than enough about that subject already. It is becoming a real issue nowadays. Therefore it is very important for us as humans to live so ecologically friendly as possible. Just because we want to be able to live some more generations on this planet, right? But how can we make sure we live as ecologically friendly as possible? Meet glasmeister. Don’t you panic if you have no idea what glasmeister is. That is what this text is for. Do you want to know everything there is to know about this topic? Then keep reading! … Read the rest

How To Choose The Right Dropper Bottles For Your Facial Serum?

How To Choose The Right Dropper Bottles For Your Facial Serum?

Facial serum is an indispensable element in your facial skin care routine. Its chemical composition is so delicate that you must be sure to choose the right dropper bottles. A material that is setting a trend in the cosmetic industry is Miron glass or violet glass. This material allows you to protect your delicate serums from the damaging effects of light, keeping their physical properties and efficacy intact for much longer. It is the only material on the market that allows you to create 100% natural products. As dropper bottles made of violet glass filter light, there is no … Read the rest